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Quadrabase is a project from a client who has worked in the Construction industry in France for more than 20 years. He has built over the time a very detailed and rich database for the construction projects, and his goal is to revolutionize the construction industry by providing a unique platform, allowing each stakeholder to generate detailed and accurate tender documents very quickly!

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The Qaudrabase web application showing a architect dashboard.

Project description

Quadrabase is a project from a client who has worked in the Construction industry in France for more than 20 years. He has built over the time a very detailed and rich database for the construction projects, and his goal is to revolutionize the construction industry by providing a unique platform, allowing each stakeholder to generate detailed and accurate tender documents very quickly!

Short story

Quadrabase was a project initially developed by another agency. The client wanted a perfect platform, so the agency didn't complete it. I started from scratch and built a modern platform that met the client's expectations. I worked on the project for 4 months, and the main challenge was all the details that were important to the client but not in the document. I completed the project without discussion.

Some of the screens of the project to demonstrate the design.
Tech stacks in which the project was developed.

Tech stack

The project was developed using the MERN stack and Git/GitHub. MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. MongoDB served as the flexible NoSQL database, Express.js handled the backend operations, React.js built the interactive user interface, and Node.js provided the runtime environment. Git and GitHub were utilized for version control and collaboration. This stack empowered me to create a robust web app with a smooth workflow.

Project outcomes

The Quadrabase project revolutionized the construction industry by providing a modern platform for generating detailed and accurate tender documents quickly. Users gave feedback that is was enjoyable to work and generate reports with one click, and liked how interactive and easy to use the application was.

Mockups of the project and created to collage so it look cool